On February 5, in Dubrovnik, within the framework of the official program of the 1050th anniversary of the festivities of St. Vlah, the first presentation of a magnificently illustrated album "The Holy Armenia: Pilgrimage to the sacred architecture" by the famous Croatian specialist in the history of art, guardian of cultural values, laureate of many cultural awards, Professor Miljenko Domijan took place in the Pope John Paul II Hall.
The presentation was organized by ArTresor Publishing House under the auspices of the Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to Croatia Ashot Hovakimian with the support of the Diocese of Dubrovnik. The presentation was attended by Bishop of Dubrovnik mons. Roko Glasnović, Archbishop of Rijeka mons. Mate Uzinić, Rector of St. Vlah Church Hrvoje Katušić, State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of Croatia Frano Matušić, the chairman of Dubrovnik city council Marko Potrebica, directors of the culture departments of the the municipality and the regional administration, many guests.
The prominent Croatian academician, writer, poet, translator Luko Paljetak and art historian Ivan Viđen, presented the first Croatian book on the Armenian art, referred to the Armenian-Croatian historical and cultural ties, especially the role of the cult of St. Vlasios / Vlah / Sebastatsi in the spiritual life of Dubrovnik.
The speakers considered it natural that the first presentation of the book took place in Dubrovnik, during the celebration of St. Vlah.
In his welcoming speech, Ambassador Ashot Hovakimian praised Milenko Domijan's work and his sincere respect and devotion for Armenian culture. According to the Ambassador, in these difficult times for Armenia, there are devotees for whom Armenia is a Holy country, an object of worship. As Professor Domijan scrupulously amasses Armenian wealth, the officials in the countries neighboring Armenia are calling for the destruction of Armenian shrines.
The author of the book, Professor Miljenko Domijan, mentioned with great excitement that he had realized his life dream. Ten years ago, being just two weeks in Armenia, day and night he photographed and drew dozens of monuments, studied Armenian architecture for years, and organized exhibitions in various cities in Croatia.
Domijan and Acad. Paljetak also condemned the atrocities against Armenian culture in the neighboring countries.
Watch the full video of the presentation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvhJLFOZ3CI
