The Armenian Communities Department of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation is Launching the BE HEARD Prize Initiative.
The BE HEARD prize provides opportunities to Armenian speakers around the world to express themselves in Armenian on a range of critical issues facing humanity during these challenging times.
The Covid-19 pandemic has forced millions of Armenians to self-isolate. The internet and social media have proven to be powerful tools of communication and many are using these tools to express themselves and to create new forms of culture. It is in this context that the Armenian Communities Department is announcing the online audiovisual and literary production prize BE HEARD, inviting speakers of the language to produce creative materials that would address critical global issues and render key messages into innovative works that can inform and engage society, and that have the power to initiate long overdue conversations in the Armenian language.
In the words of Razmik Panossian, the Director of the Armenian Communities Department, "we need to bring forth much-needed discussions that tackle contemporary global issues that touch Armenians everywhere: the climate crisis, the refugee crisis, ongoing wars, community challenges, and so forth. Our objective is two-fold. First, to encourage dialogue on global issues as a community, and second to have these conversations in Armenian, be that in text or other media."
If you want to say something to the world in Armenian regarding a global issue, this is your chance. You are invited to submit content in audio, video, text or graphic form.
The winning entries will receive a 500 USD award. In total, 50 prizes will be given.
Submissions and questions should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. until 8 June 2020.
For more information regarding the conditions of this programme visit: https://gulbenkian.pt/armenian-communities/