The Armenian Communities Department of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation has allocated 125,000 Euros to the 16 Armenian schools in Lebanon. This follows the donation of 650 tablets and 50 laptops to the schools at the beginning of 2021.
Since its establishment, the Armenian Communities Department has paid special attention to the Armenian schools in the Middle East. In recent years, the Foundation has developed a comprehensive strategy for Lebanon, with a particular focus on the Armenian community schools.
Currently, Lebanon is facing one of the worst economic crises in its history. In response, the Foundation has temporarily suspended The School Grant Program it launched in 2020. Instead of supporting three schools to develop comprehensive educational projects, it is supporting all schools to meet immediate needs.
The current support provided to Lebanon is in addition to the Foundation's other initiatives in the country: scholarships, special education, teacher training, publications and funding for cultural initiatives by youth.
For further information visit the Armenian Communities Department's webpage at: